Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, Germany and Austria, DGM

Fachausschuss Thermodynamik, Kinetik und Konstitution der Werkstoffe

German Society for Materials

Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Constitution of Materials Committee


  • Experimental and theoretical methods to determine thermodynamic data and phase diagrams
  • Evaluation of constitutional data and phase diagrams
  • Thermodynamic modeling of multicomponent and multiphase material systems, including atomistic approaches
  • Combination of thermodynamic modeling with simulation of reactor processes as well as with micro- and macro-kinetics, such as simulation of microstructure formation in multicomponent and multiphase materials
  • Development of integrated thermodynamic-kinetic databases

The goals are

  • Applications of databases and computer simulations in materials and process optimization
  • Interdisciplinary discussion forum for basic and applied research in these fields
  • Coordination of member activities in the German-speaking region and networking with international activities:
    1. MSIT, Materials Science International Team
    2. Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission (APDIC)
    3. Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE)
    4. ASM International: Phase Diagram Committee
    5. TMS: Alloy Phases Committee


The current chair is Prof. Hans Seifert (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).