Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.

APDIC Ukraine

Ukrainian Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamics Commission, Ukraine

Ukrainian Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamics Commission was founded in 1994 as a development of the long-term (from the eighties of the last century) activity of All-Union conferences, schools and seminars on phase diagrams and thermodynamics of alloys that were carried out by the Department of Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NASU (Kyiv, Ukraine) under the leadership of Academician V.N. Eremenko. The goals of this activity were (a) to consolidate the knowledge of chemists, physicists and materials scientists working in the field of physico-chemical analysis, thermodynamics of alloys, development of new materials, (b) to propagate and disseminate the knowledge among envolved scietists by organizing meetings, schools and seminars. After the Ukrainian Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamics Commission became an APDIC member, new possibilities for direct contacts with the colleagues-scientists opened: to obtain current information on scientfic investigations, on global scale.

New goals were added:

(1) to accomplish working relations between Ukrainian materials scientists and the world materials community;

(2) to inform APDIC about activities of Ukrainian researchers in the field of phase diagrams and thermodynamics;

(3) to inform scientists from Ukrainian academic institutes and universities about activities of the other APDIC members.



Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission (APDIC).

MSIT®, Materials Science International Team.



Mykhailo Turchanin from Donbas State Engineering Academy of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (DSEA) is the head of Commission.



Kostyantyn Korniyenko from FIPMS is the secretary of the Commission.



Faculties of universities and academic institutes dealing with phase diagrams and thermodynamics in Kyiv, Dnipro, L’viv, Luts’k, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod, Kramatorsk.