Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.


Korean Committee of Computational Materials Science and Engineering


Korean Committee of Computational Materials Science and Engineering.

(formerly, Korean Committee of Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria)

Representative to APDIC: Prof. In-Ho Jung at Seoul National University


The Korean Committee of Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria was founded as one of twenty specialized committees under the Korea Institute of Metals and Materials (then, Korea Institute of Metals) in 1998 and was renamed the Korean Committee of Computational Materials Science and Engineering in 2006 due to extended demand from the computational materials scientists.

The committee has strong interest in all aspects of phase diagrams and phase equilibria as well as kinetics, phase transformation and nano/micro/macro structural evolution in all classes of engineering materials covering metals/alloys and slags, ceramics, electronic materials and, recently, polymers and nano/biomaterials.

The committee also seeks experimental and theoretical works related with phase equilibria from direct studies of phase diagrams and determination of thermodynamic parameters, with the thermodynamic modeling of phases and reactions, and multiscale simulations including first-principles calculations. Recently, the committee is trying to reach the research field of material informatics and holds strong connection with the Future Materials Discovery Initiative supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea.

The committee regularly holds a symposium during the annual spring and fall meetings of KIMM and holds a special session on a need-basis. It became a member of the Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission (APDIC) in 1999. The Korean Committee hosted the CALPHAD XXXIX conference in 2010 in the Jeju Island and will host the CALPHAD LIV conference in 2025.

Korean Society of Metals and Materials - Computational Materials Science Subcommittee


Korean Society of Metals and Materials - Artificial Intelligence Materials Science Subcommittee