Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.

APDIC Taiwan

Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamics Committee of the Materials Research Society of Taiwan



Provide a platform for the MRS-T members who are interested in the studies and applications of phase diagrams and thermodynamics, and encourage the applications and studies of phase diagrams and thermodynamics. Plan, promote, and incorporate activities related with phase diagrams and thermodynamics. Cooperate and communicate with research institutes, academic institutes, and industries about phase diagrams and thermodynamic related issues. 

Any MRS-T members who are interested in phase diagrams and thermodynamics can apply to be members. The officers of the committee include Chair and Vice chair. The officers are elected by members and recommended for appointment to the MRS-T president.  The term of office is three (3) years.

The committee shall meet twice a year. The Chair can call for more meeting if necessary.
Current activities include: Committee meeting, Taiwan phase diagrams meeting, Summer school of computational thermodynamics and Annual publication report.